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 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:48 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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Van_Da_Man wrote:
NYIntensity wrote:
I can't agree with any religion that sweeps fucking little boys under the rug

That really has nothing to do with the 'religion' aspect of the church, it's just the cuntbags that are currently in 'power'. That's the biggest problem I have about church bashers (I will just start to vaguely use you as an example here, sorry) yes there are creepy boy touching rapists that pose as priests to get some and escape persecution because the church is about redemption and forgiveness... I think. It is hard to tell what it stands for anymore, but it sure as fuck isn't for the rape of small boys.
They have repeatedly fucked themselves over, but I still stand by the church and have faith that they are trying to keep these rapists out, that they are trying to fix these things. But sweeping little boy fuckings under the rug is most definitely the wrong way to go. Hell I would consider it criminal. Why they escape justice is beyond me.

If this makes no sense at all I apologize, it all started to fall apart on me half way through.

I agree that it is unfair to characterize most religions from the actions of those that run things but in the case of Catholicism the Pope is the ultimate voice of God and leadership here on earth. He covered the tracks of child rapists again and again when he was in charge and is now the voice of God on earth. This has everything to do with the "religion" and subscribing to this organization is insane in my opinion. It doesn't change what you feel and believe but it would be wise to rethink your loyalties.

Montalo also said that the "Catholic Church" is the one true church...that's not the religion but the actual Pope and comrades.


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:50 pm 
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Eh, you have your opinions I have mine.

Edit: Damn I sound like a douche with that. ^

"Call a cop he robbed Delmore blind!!!"
Rick Jeanerette after Marty Biron's diving save back in 2000.

"I'm going to go to the spa and have a hot tub and massage and relax," Miller said. "That's it, and it's back to work tomorrow." Ryan Miller after clinching the North East division.

Displaced Fan
 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:23 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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Van_Da_Man wrote:
Eh, you have your opinions I have mine.

Edit: Damn I sound like a douche with that. ^

douche :lol: (we need a douche smiley)

All I'm saying is that an organization that is headed by a man who in the past has helped cover up the kiddie rape is a group I'd be cautious about being affiliated with. Now religious views of the Catholics is a personal deal that doesn't change because of good or bad going ons. Saying that the "Church" itself is the one true church is when I start bringing in the governing body of the Vatican and their criminal activities. They have done some seriously bad shite.

And yes, I used "going ons".


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:30 pm 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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I'm a big fan of North American diocese being instructed by the cardinals and bishops to falsely declare bankruptcy so they can weasel out of paying the judgements.


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:20 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
Montalo wrote:
before I say what i am about to say, i just want it to be konwn im saying the Catholic Church is the one true church(real point of comment is below, im just going to ignore comments about this statement)

No offense, but that's a cop out. You're basically saying 'My religion is right, your religion is wrong', which is abject bullshit. Then you're going to ignore any rebuttal? Tough, I'll type it anyways.

Your religion may be right FOR YOU. Another religion may be right FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

This shows a complete lack of respect for other belief systems and religion, and is downright offensive to me. This is why humans have been killing each other for thousands of years. We can't get past this urge to impose our beliefs on everyone else.

If you want to be a Catholic, cool. (Although the pedophilia thing should logically be a turnoff.)
If you want to be Baptist, cool.
If you want to be Lutheran, cool.
If you want to be Buddhist, cool.
If you want to be Muslim, cool.
If you want to believe that there might be a higher power out there, but none of our established religions have it right, then cool.

The Catholic church is one religion. Nothing more, nothing less.

What i wrote i fully believe in

If the Catholic Church is not the one true church, then I myself would not be catholic

that being said, I wrote in error

My intent on not commenting to rebuttals was because that was not the intent of my post.
I made a mistake on how I said it though. I am perfectly happy on responding to rebuttals over PM, or made in a different thread, out of respect for DF. I am aware that I did not say this originally, and i am sorry for the confusion

my one comment

the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

PSA: I am an overly sarcastic person. If you take me at my word, then i will most likely anger and offend you.

Displaced Fan
 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:31 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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Montalo wrote:
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.

The guy who runs the show covered this up and is still doing so. He IS the Church by their definition. The voice of GOD on earth. That goes above a few bad apples. Also "perfect" is more than a stretch. I won't go into it because I don't want to bash your beliefs but....perfect?

Montalo wrote:
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

I don't want to but I have to ask. How does covering up rape, moving rapists to other churches to protect them, making the victims publicly apologize to their congregations, and so forth have anything to do with expert psychological advice? :think:


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:06 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Montalo wrote:
Squanto wrote:
Montalo wrote:
before I say what i am about to say, i just want it to be konwn im saying the Catholic Church is the one true church(real point of comment is below, im just going to ignore comments about this statement)

No offense, but that's a cop out. You're basically saying 'My religion is right, your religion is wrong', which is abject bullshit. Then you're going to ignore any rebuttal? Tough, I'll type it anyways.

Your religion may be right FOR YOU. Another religion may be right FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

This shows a complete lack of respect for other belief systems and religion, and is downright offensive to me. This is why humans have been killing each other for thousands of years. We can't get past this urge to impose our beliefs on everyone else.

If you want to be a Catholic, cool. (Although the pedophilia thing should logically be a turnoff.)
If you want to be Baptist, cool.
If you want to be Lutheran, cool.
If you want to be Buddhist, cool.
If you want to be Muslim, cool.
If you want to believe that there might be a higher power out there, but none of our established religions have it right, then cool.

The Catholic church is one religion. Nothing more, nothing less.

What i wrote i fully believe in

If the Catholic Church is not the one true church, then I myself would not be catholic

that being said, I wrote in error

My intent on not commenting to rebuttals was because that was not the intent of my post.
I made a mistake on how I said it though. I am perfectly happy on responding to rebuttals over PM, or made in a different thread, out of respect for DF. I am aware that I did not say this originally, and i am sorry for the confusion

my one comment

the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

The people are the Church. Religion is based solely on human beings, their interpretation, their writings, and their faith. Since religion is a man made construct, isn't that kind of like worshiping an idol? I mean you're praying to a man-made construct, not to god.

Proud LGBTQQ Individual

 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:43 pm 
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Displaced Fan wrote:
Montalo wrote:
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.

The guy who runs the show covered this up and is still doing so. He IS the Church by their definition. The voice of GOD on earth. That goes above a few bad apples. Also "perfect" is more than a stretch. I won't go into it because I don't want to bash your beliefs but....perfect?

Montalo wrote:
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

I don't want to but I have to ask. How does covering up rape, moving rapists to other churches to protect them, making the victims publicly apologize to their congregations, and so forth have anything to do with expert psychological advice? :think:

Yeah he lost me more then a little bit there.

"Call a cop he robbed Delmore blind!!!"
Rick Jeanerette after Marty Biron's diving save back in 2000.

"I'm going to go to the spa and have a hot tub and massage and relax," Miller said. "That's it, and it's back to work tomorrow." Ryan Miller after clinching the North East division.

 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:19 am 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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Montalo wrote:
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

So, if you take this position, how to you reconcile the fact that other religions have beliefs that do not mesh with the Catholic Church's version?

(I don't want to nitpick the 'perfect' point, but I have to a little bit. How can a church, who has rules made by man, who is imperfect, possibly be perfect in any way?)

 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:47 am 
Captain Dynasty
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Squanto wrote:
Montalo wrote:
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

So, if you take this position, how to you reconcile the fact that other religions have beliefs that do not mesh with the Catholic Church's version?

(I don't want to nitpick the 'perfect' point, but I have to a little bit. How can a church, who has rules made by man, who is imperfect, possibly be perfect in any way?)

Relatively certain the response is going to be the church is perfect because god is infallible which doesn't quite make any sense.

Proud LGBTQQ Individual

 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:43 pm 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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CriminallyVu1gar wrote:
Squanto wrote:
Montalo wrote:
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.

So, if you take this position, how to you reconcile the fact that other religions have beliefs that do not mesh with the Catholic Church's version?

(I don't want to nitpick the 'perfect' point, but I have to a little bit. How can a church, who has rules made by man, who is imperfect, possibly be perfect in any way?)

Relatively certain the response is going to be the church is perfect because god is infallible which doesn't quite make any sense.

No way, it's going to be the tired old rhetoric of "The Church is perfect, but then men within it are not"


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:35 pm 
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I'm catholic. I go to church once in a blue moon by myself. I sit in the back, take in the words and keep to myself. Don't give any money out either.


 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:27 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Sc's#1SabresFan wrote:
I'm catholic. I go to church once in a blue moon by myself. I sit in the back, take in the words and keep to myself. Don't give any money out either.

I consider myself to be a pagan/wiccan/agnostic.

I was raised, baptized, confirmed as a Lutheran. I only go on Christmas eve because the candles are pretty. I'm not a fan of giving money to the church, but I have. The Lutheran church my family attends is pretty progressive (i.e. voting not to oppose gay marriage. In fact the pastor's son may or may not be gay.) and the pastor is an old friend of the family so I find it to be more palatable than most Christian churches, but I've no desire to be a member or attend regularly.

Proud LGBTQQ Individual

 Post subject: Re: Holy Rollin'
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:44 pm 
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Happy Atheist here. With a happy Atheist family. I have nothing against Christians or anybody just dont try to convert me because i dont try to push my beliefs on you. Those are the Christians that out and tell them to stop. Religion is such a touchy subject everywhere. Everyone has to be right. Thats why millions have died. Rather separate myself that i personally have not seen a physical proof to so justly claim that its real let alone kill for.

The Board Drunk.

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