Squanto wrote:
Montalo wrote:
before I say what i am about to say, i just want it to be konwn im saying the Catholic Church is the one true church(real point of comment is below, im just going to ignore comments about this statement)
No offense, but that's a cop out. You're basically saying 'My religion is right, your religion is wrong', which is abject bullshit. Then you're going to ignore any rebuttal? Tough, I'll type it anyways.
Your religion may be right FOR YOU. Another religion may be right FOR SOMEONE ELSE.
This shows a complete lack of respect for other belief systems and religion, and is downright offensive to me. This is why humans have been killing each other for thousands of years. We can't get past this urge to impose our beliefs on everyone else.
If you want to be a Catholic, cool. (Although the pedophilia thing should logically be a turnoff.)
If you want to be Baptist, cool.
If you want to be Lutheran, cool.
If you want to be Buddhist, cool.
If you want to be Muslim, cool.
If you want to believe that there might be a higher power out there, but none of our established religions have it right, then cool.
The Catholic church is one religion. Nothing more, nothing less.
What i wrote i fully believe in
If the Catholic Church is not the one true church, then I myself would not be catholic
that being said, I wrote in error
My intent on not commenting to rebuttals was because that was not the intent of my post.
I made a mistake on how I said it though. I am perfectly happy on responding to rebuttals over PM, or made in a different thread, out of respect for DF. I am aware that I did not say this originally, and i am sorry for the confusion
my one comment
the Church is, and always will be perfect in teaching faith and morals. People within the Church may be in error, and the child abuse scandal has shown people have acted wrongly.
The men within the Church acted with the advice of psychologists of the time, which gave bad advice.