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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:05 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Xander: Cause if the teachers are crazy ass smokin' hot, kid will study more. And, plus we'll get them boob jobs.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:24 pm 
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Captain Pants wrote:
Squanto wrote:
Employers can stipulate terms of employment all they want. However, there's nothing that says an employee cannot challenge those terms should their employment be terminated.

Requiring employees to be searched before leaving a retail establishment is one thing. Placing conditions on the personal sex lives of their employees is another matter altogether. The school airing the reason for termination to the entire staff and parents just compounds the matter.

This sums up what I think 1980 seems to miss out the most.

This is completely unbegrudging, but as a police officer you're often of the position "It's the rule, so it doesn't matter whether you think your right or not" vs. "the rule is fucked, change it"

just my 60 yen

Nice generalization there. In the union thread I mentioned how I, as a police officer, took an active stance against the city I work for in an uphill battle (no collective bargaining power in a right-to-work state) over FLSA conflicts. I don't just go with the flow because something is written on paper. I do understand the legal constraints of signing a contract though.

I haven't even taken a moral stance on the topic, only a legal commentary. I can't even make a personal judgement about how the case should go because I don't have the state/federal laws in front of me or the contract language. This is a civil case as well, and my knowledge is criminal law. FWIW, as an atheist I don't care one bit about what the church thinks is moral or not. As a private organization however, they do (to some extent) have the right to include restrictions under their terms of employment. I'm unbiased enough to understand the complications of a private employer being unable to set guidelines for how their employees act. There needs to be a fair balance, and this case will be an interesting example of how far those guidelines can go. I'm not missing anything about it.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:28 pm 
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As a side note, it's awful hard being an independant minded centrist. With all the extreme left and right wingers out there, I end up at odds with almost everybody.

Here, I'm a heathen destined for hell. I'm a traitorous "Obamanite" because I'm in favor of police unions in a right-to-work state. I'm assumed to be on the side of big, money and power sucking unions like UAW. Not much police "brotherhood" to fall back on here.

Other places beyond the south, I'm a right wing zealot for my generally conservative views - fiscal responsibility and self accountability. I'm of course a racist, just like any other conservative.

Almost everywhere seems anti-government or anti-authority these days. That means both redneck conservative gun-toting seperatists and tree hugging liberals think I'm a class A son of a bitch before even allowing the chance to get to know me. They know I'm a 'cop', so that's enough.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:10 pm 
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
As a side note, it's awful hard being an independant minded centrist. With all the extreme left and right wingers out there, I end up at odds with almost everybody.

Here, I'm a heathen destined for hell. I'm a traitorous "Obamanite" because I'm in favor of police unions in a right-to-work state. I'm assumed to be on the side of big, money and power sucking unions like UAW. Not much police "brotherhood" to fall back on here.

Other places beyond the south, I'm a right wing zealot for my generally conservative views - fiscal responsibility and self accountability. I'm of course a racist, just like any other conservative.

Almost everywhere seems anti-government or anti-authority these days. That means both redneck conservative gun-toting seperatists and tree hugging liberals think I'm a class A son of a bitch before even allowing the chance to get to know me. They know I'm a 'cop', so that's enough.

You've won my heart and mind. Vote for SF1980

ksquier89 wrote:
Holy fucking fuck...Boyes couldn't suck a dick if it landed in his mouth.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:13 am 
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Squanto wrote:
The school administrator :

"The employment application, which she filled out, clearly states that as a leader before our students we require all teachers to maintain and communicate the values and purpose of our school."

I'm not a lawyer, but either you think like one or you don't. If I was defending the teacher, I'd simply state that the "values and purpose" of a Christian school are to "forgive those who sin against us"(not fire them). Hey, it's their words, not ours. Being a 'real' Christian can sooo come back and bite you in the ass.

Sorry, but this reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw today, "You can't be pro-choice and a Christian at the same time". O'RLY??? As I recall being a Christian is ADMITTING that you're a sinner, and being forgiven for trespasses. While abortion is wrong(and so is war btw, which many Christians have no issue with), it is not something done with pride(unlike war). I guess what I'm saying is that Jesus will forgive you for the sin of abortion, so their declarative statement is false. You can certainly be both.

Captain Pants
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:17 am 
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
Captain Pants wrote:
Squanto wrote:
Employers can stipulate terms of employment all they want. However, there's nothing that says an employee cannot challenge those terms should their employment be terminated.

Requiring employees to be searched before leaving a retail establishment is one thing. Placing conditions on the personal sex lives of their employees is another matter altogether. The school airing the reason for termination to the entire staff and parents just compounds the matter.

This sums up what I think 1980 seems to miss out the most.

This is completely unbegrudging, but as a police officer you're often of the position "It's the rule, so it doesn't matter whether you think your right or not" vs. "the rule is fucked, change it"

just my 60 yen

Nice generalization there. In the union thread I mentioned how I, as a police officer, took an active stance against the city I work for in an uphill battle (no collective bargaining power in a right-to-work state) over FLSA conflicts. I don't just go with the flow because something is written on paper. I do understand the legal constraints of signing a contract though.

I haven't even taken a moral stance on the topic, only a legal commentary. I can't even make a personal judgement about how the case should go because I don't have the state/federal laws in front of me or the contract language. This is a civil case as well, and my knowledge is criminal law. FWIW, as an atheist I don't care one bit about what the church thinks is moral or not. As a private organization however, they do (to some extent) have the right to include restrictions under their terms of employment. I'm unbiased enough to understand the complications of a private employer being unable to set guidelines for how their employees act. There needs to be a fair balance, and this case will be an interesting example of how far those guidelines can go. I'm not missing anything about it.

I'm just saying, you have more 'respect' for rules and law than most. If you disagree with that, well then maybe you SHOULDN'T have the job that you do.

I don't even read most of the threads on here so I can't hold empathy for your 'woe is me" paragraph.

When I was a boy I spoke as a boy, I understood as a boy, and I thought as a boy; when I became a man I took that boy outside and shot him.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:43 am 
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Don't worry Pants, my respect for the law is actually tempered with unbiased critical thinking. I use that kind of stuff on a regular basis so that I can asses situations without jumping to generalized conclusions. Besides, I've read enough of your off the chart radical crap and ignorant anti-police threads to know where you're coming from, so I wouldn't expect or want any of your version of "empathy".

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:23 pm 
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My take

If it was in the contract, which she willingly signed, then she should be accountable for what is in the contract

that being said

The school had no right to investigate on a birth that was a grey area, if it was within wedlock or not.
The article said two weeks, correct. Without prying into the life of the teacher, there is no way they could have known it was outside of marriage. If the baby was born, say a month into the wedding, then it would be easy to tell, and as terms of the contract be fired for it.

Second, the school shouldnt have made this public.If you are going to fire a teacher, or any emplyee just do it, tell them the reasons, and leave it within the school adminstration

PSA: I am an overly sarcastic person. If you take me at my word, then i will most likely anger and offend you.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:05 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
Don't worry Pants, my respect for the law is actually tempered with unbiased critical thinking. I use that kind of stuff on a regular basis so that I can asses situations without jumping to generalized conclusions. Besides, I've read enough of your off the chart radical crap and ignorant anti-police threads to know where you're coming from, so I wouldn't expect or want any of your version of "empathy".


Proud LGBTQQ Individual

Captain Pants
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:46 pm 
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
Don't worry Pants, my respect for the law is actually tempered with unbiased critical thinking. I use that kind of stuff on a regular basis so that I can asses situations without jumping to generalized conclusions. Besides, I've read enough of your off the chart radical crap and ignorant anti-police threads to know where you're coming from, so I wouldn't expect or want any of your version of "empathy".

arrest me. And CV go play dragons, vampires, monsters or whatever you do for a living.

I wasn't being rude here, you need to take a pill.

When I was a boy I spoke as a boy, I understood as a boy, and I thought as a boy; when I became a man I took that boy outside and shot him.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:28 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Captain Pants wrote:
Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
Don't worry Pants, my respect for the law is actually tempered with unbiased critical thinking. I use that kind of stuff on a regular basis so that I can asses situations without jumping to generalized conclusions. Besides, I've read enough of your off the chart radical crap and ignorant anti-police threads to know where you're coming from, so I wouldn't expect or want any of your version of "empathy".

arrest me. And CV go play dragons, vampires, monsters or whatever you do for a living.

I wasn't being rude here, you need to take a pill.


Proud LGBTQQ Individual

Captain Pants
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:54 pm 
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CriminallyVu1gar wrote:


When I was a boy I spoke as a boy, I understood as a boy, and I thought as a boy; when I became a man I took that boy outside and shot him.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:19 pm 
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No pants, you weren't trying to be just assumed that as a police officer I must blindly do whatever the law or rules say without thinking. It's ironic, like people that assume those against affirmative action are racist, or those against illegal immigration are anti-Mexican/Latino. People who jump to the race card deny the opposition of their intellectual integrity, just assuming they are of lesser morality.

The same goes for the type of generalization that you (and many others) make towards law enforcement - the assumption that we are some kind of storm trooper that doesn't have the intellect or morality to be anything more than a hired hand on behalf of the big, bad government. If you only knew how much discretion officers use on a daily basis, cutting people breaks or ignoring outdated laws like the one in NC that forbids unmarried people from having sex. I'm not in favor of purposfully breaking laws just because you don't like them, unless you're peacefully protesting. I will, and have, followed through on the legal processes available to change laws and policies that are wrong. That's the proper way to affect change, and being a police officer has never interfered with that.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:19 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Captain Pants wrote:
CriminallyVu1gar wrote:



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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:21 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Haha, it looks like I'm talking to myself now.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:25 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
No pants, you weren't trying to be just assumed that as a police officer I must blindly do whatever the law or rules say without thinking. It's ironic, like people that assume those against affirmative action are racist, or those against illegal immigration are anti-Mexican/Latino. People who jump to the race card deny the opposition of their intellectual integrity, just assuming they are of lesser morality.

The same goes for the type of generalization that you (and many others) make towards law enforcement - the assumption that we are some kind of storm trooper that doesn't have the intellect or morality to be anything more than a hired hand on behalf of the big, bad government. If you only knew how much discretion officers use on a daily basis, cutting people breaks or ignoring outdated laws like the one in NC that forbids unmarried people from having sex. I'm not in favor of purposfully breaking laws just because you don't like them, unless you're peacefully protesting. I will, and have, followed through on the legal processes available to change laws and policies that are wrong. That's the proper way to affect change, and being a police officer has never interfered with that.

Don't take it personally. He's a devoted atheist who has made the largest percentage of his posts here in the Christian Member's thread. Pretty much the opposite side of the coin as the Christians that yell at you from street corners with signs about what God hates. What does that tell you about his character?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:34 pm 
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Oh I know. I'm an atheist that doesn't begrudge anyone's faith. I could, without animosity, debate the topic of a creator all day long, but insulting people over the issue is just plain rude...and pointless.

Captain Pants
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:35 pm 
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
No pants, you weren't trying to be just assumed that as a police officer I must blindly do whatever the law or rules say without thinking. It's ironic, like people that assume those against affirmative action are racist, or those against illegal immigration are anti-Mexican/Latino. People who jump to the race card deny the opposition of their intellectual integrity, just assuming they are of lesser morality.

The same goes for the type of generalization that you (and many others) make towards law enforcement - the assumption that we are some kind of storm trooper that doesn't have the intellect or morality to be anything more than a hired hand on behalf of the big, bad government. If you only knew how much discretion officers use on a daily basis, cutting people breaks or ignoring outdated laws like the one in NC that forbids unmarried people from having sex. I'm not in favor of purposfully breaking laws just because you don't like them, unless you're peacefully protesting. I will, and have, followed through on the legal processes available to change laws and policies that are wrong. That's the proper way to affect change, and being a police officer has never interfered with that.

Did I sleep with your wife or something? What I'm saying isn't some sort of deeply disguised slap to the face to you. I'm saying you respect the laws of the land on a level beyond what some would. If some don't like a law they might still break it. If I had more time I'd dig up a specific thread.

And just for the record, I've got a speeding ticket, a 'drinking in public' charge (which was dropped) and thats it. I'm not some scoundrel running around defacing public structures and yelling at cops. I'm an honours student and a varsity athlete. You seem to think of me as some cop killing crazy. If I disagree with the Laws I'll obey them because I don't want to go to jail. Fair?

And CV -- do your best to try and try to tell me that I'm a fool for my passion for religious social issues comparable to your passion for vampires and dungeons and dragons. Honestly dig into me with whatever you've got, I'm loving it.

When I was a boy I spoke as a boy, I understood as a boy, and I thought as a boy; when I became a man I took that boy outside and shot him.

Captain Pants
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:37 pm 
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I never thought I'd say this, but I'm being persecuted for my religious beliefs. Wheres the ACLU

When I was a boy I spoke as a boy, I understood as a boy, and I thought as a boy; when I became a man I took that boy outside and shot him.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:38 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
Oh I know. I'm an atheist that doesn't begrudge anyone's faith. I could, without animosity, debate the topic of a creator all day long, but insulting people over the issue is just plain rude...and pointless.

Yeah, I had a nice conversation with Ruteledge the other day, though it was more about general bible-ness than the existence of a supreme being. Soon as I saw that comment by CP I knew you'd be responding in force. :)

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