Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
No pants, you weren't trying to be just assumed that as a police officer I must blindly do whatever the law or rules say without thinking. It's ironic, like people that assume those against affirmative action are racist, or those against illegal immigration are anti-Mexican/Latino. People who jump to the race card deny the opposition of their intellectual integrity, just assuming they are of lesser morality.
The same goes for the type of generalization that you (and many others) make towards law enforcement - the assumption that we are some kind of storm trooper that doesn't have the intellect or morality to be anything more than a hired hand on behalf of the big, bad government. If you only knew how much discretion officers use on a daily basis, cutting people breaks or ignoring outdated laws like the one in NC that forbids unmarried people from having sex. I'm not in favor of purposfully breaking laws just because you don't like them, unless you're peacefully protesting. I will, and have, followed through on the legal processes available to change laws and policies that are wrong. That's the proper way to affect change, and being a police officer has never interfered with that.
Did I sleep with your wife or something? What I'm saying isn't some sort of deeply disguised slap to the face to you. I'm saying you respect the laws of the land on a level beyond what some would. If some don't like a law they might still break it. If I had more time I'd dig up a specific thread.
And just for the record, I've got a speeding ticket, a 'drinking in public' charge (which was dropped) and thats it. I'm not some scoundrel running around defacing public structures and yelling at cops. I'm an honours student and a varsity athlete. You seem to think of me as some cop killing crazy. If I disagree with the Laws I'll obey them because I don't want to go to jail. Fair?
And CV -- do your best to try and try to tell me that I'm a fool for my passion for religious social issues comparable to your passion for vampires and dungeons and dragons. Honestly dig into me with whatever you've got, I'm loving it.