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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:49 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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A gay friend of mine with an unnatural hate for Taylor Swift and Jamie Lee Curtis posted this on Facebook today.

Now, I could care less about Taylor Swift, aside from the eye candy perspective. I don't really listen to that genre of music, and don't pay attention to it at all. However, for some reason, I clicked to read this.

I thought it was an excellent dissection of just how unqualified an artist she really is, but I think a lot of those points could be extended to many other manufactured artists. ... dos-31525/

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:26 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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I could not have liked this more when I first read it. I believe i even posted it to Facebook... Ha. I did not like the Lady Gaga comparisons because IMO she is just as deleterious and not deserving of the praise she's given throughout the article (though I do like her radio singles while not caring for Taylor Swift's at all). Other than that, though... I thought the overall points were pertinent.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:36 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
A gay friend of mine with an unnatural hate for Taylor Swift and Jamie Lee Curtis posted this on Facebook today.

Now, I could care less about Taylor Swift, aside from the eye candy perspective. I don't really listen to that genre of music, and don't pay attention to it at all. However, for some reason, I clicked to read this.

I thought it was an excellent dissection of just how unqualified an artist she really is, but I think a lot of those points could be extended to many other manufactured artists. ... dos-31525/

an interesting article. but the other female artists mentioned may not act like teenis any more, but it's all image , promotion...

I don't know a lot of crossover country-pop. ;) gaga sucks , too . In addition I don't think that soul or indie is automatically better than mainstream popmusic or country.



PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:38 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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I'd agree that Gaga is a terrible comparison. Gaga is just as manufactured as Swift is, it's just the opposite end of the spectrum.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:03 pm 
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How the fuck is Taylor a manufactured artist? She wrote everything on her first two albums, and she can play her own instruments, not to mention the girl is a role model and a perfect citizen.

Yeah, thats the world today, do everything right and be told you suck.

Not like Lady Gaga, who is a total whack job, or Amy Winehouse who has been in and out of rehab more than most people are in and out of fast food restaurants.

Fucking dude wants to go after somebody, go after someone who isn't a genuine good person, talented musician, and amazing song writer.

I personally think that this person should be taken out back and smacked around a few times.

I mean what does he want her to do, sing songs about fucking going to rehab, or riding on her disco stick? Real good, especially for someone who has built their image on being the girl next door, and being a role model to young girls. Also she isn't the person directing her videos, so 3 out of his 5 points are rather moot.

I agree some of her music is kinda cookie cutter, but it's what sells. Blame the general public for that, not someone who is making an honest living, and worked their ass off to make the money they did.

This is a pretty good example of what's wrong with America. We criticize those who do every thing right, but people give Britney Spears a free pass, even though she was a coked out crack head for a while. People also worship people like Paris Hilton, and shows like 16 and pregnant and Teen Mom, making it look awesome to have children in high school, and then struggle to take care of them...fucking great tv indeed. Watch stupid white trash run around and argue with their ex infront of their child, using profanities, and violence toward their "baby daddy". Which is also a term that annoys the piss out of me.

"She's like plan C after an 18 pack"

Squanto 7/27/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:19 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Wah wah, bunch of people without Grammys bitching about someone who does.

I agree, her live performances, from what I've seen are awful. I'd probably still go. I got sick of hearing a lot of her songs on the radio. From someone who listens to country, she was way overplayed and so many of her songs are similar to the point of being obnoxious. But I do like a few of her songs. I understand that she's basically the Sidney Crosby of country music, and I understand why some people don't like her.

It's not like she's really any more obnoxious than Rah rah blah blah blah (Gaga), ella ella ella ey ey ey (Rihanna), or Beyonce though.

Look, as a writer, I think Twilight sucks as much as the next person, but I give Stephenie Meyer all the credit in the world for creating a good story and writing it in a way that appeals to her core audience. She's sold 100M plus books. She's talented, period. And she inspired a new generation of pedophiles soccer moms. That's just impressive.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:23 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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I don't hate Justin Bieber irrationally either.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:24 pm 
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Don't forget she ruined the image of Vampires.

In the sun, they are suppose to combust and die, not sparkle and look like a fag.

CriminallyVu1gar wrote:
No need for violence, just tell her she's got a game misconduct and show her the door.

Rud wrote:
As I said in the GDT, the call on Rivet was horseshit. The Bruins player was holding onto Rivet's stick like it was the last fucking raft on the Titanic.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:25 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:26 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Skyline_BNR34 wrote:
Don't forget she ruined the image of Vampires.

In the sun, they are suppose to combust and die, not sparkle and look like a fag.

Nonsense. She gave a fresh take on them that a lot of people don't like. I applaud her creativity.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:37 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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Please explain to me how you can write songs that are nothing more than a 16 year old girl's diary and win songwriting awards.

She's smoking hot, yet writes about being the ugly duckling and having no friends. Really? I'm pretty sure that looking like that she had friends.

If she wasn't attractive and her parents didn't have the money they had, she wouldn't be anything. You're telling me that an 11 year old girl knows enough about the music business to make a demo tape and go asking around Nashville for a record contract? Or is it much more likely that her parents wanted to exploit her musical talent and did that. Did she ask to move to Nashville at 14, or did her parents want to do it because they saw dollar signs?

I'm not disputing her musical talent. All I'm saying is that she's not making the music SHE wants to make. She's making the music her parents pushed her into making, and what the record company knows will sell.

THAT is a manufactured artist to me.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:48 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
Please explain to me how you can write songs that are nothing more than a 16 year old girl's diary and win songwriting awards.

She's smoking hot, yet writes about being the ugly duckling and having no friends. Really? I'm pretty sure that looking like that she had friends.

If she wasn't attractive and her parents didn't have the money they had, she wouldn't be anything. You're telling me that an 11 year old girl knows enough about the music business to make a demo tape and go asking around Nashville for a record contract? Or is it much more likely that her parents wanted to exploit her musical talent and did that. Did she ask to move to Nashville at 14, or did her parents want to do it because they saw dollar signs?

I'm not disputing her musical talent. All I'm saying is that she's not making the music SHE wants to make. She's making the music her parents pushed her into making, and what the record company knows will sell.

THAT is a manufactured artist to me.

Perfect song.

CriminallyVu1gar wrote:
No need for violence, just tell her she's got a game misconduct and show her the door.

Rud wrote:
As I said in the GDT, the call on Rivet was horseshit. The Bruins player was holding onto Rivet's stick like it was the last fucking raft on the Titanic.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:27 pm 
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jvaccaro6 wrote:
How the fuck is Taylor a manufactured artist? She wrote everything on her first two albums, and she can play her own instruments, not to mention the girl is a role model and a perfect citizen.

Yeah, thats the world today, do everything right and be told you suck.

Not like Lady Gaga, who is a total whack job, or Amy Winehouse who has been in and out of rehab more than most people are in and out of fast food restaurants.

Fucking dude wants to go after somebody, go after someone who isn't a genuine good person, talented musician, and amazing song writer.

I personally think that this person should be taken out back and smacked around a few times.

I mean what does he want her to do, sing songs about fucking going to rehab, or riding on her disco stick? Real good, especially for someone who has built their image on being the girl next door, and being a role model to young girls. Also she isn't the person directing her videos, so 3 out of his 5 points are rather moot.

I agree some of her music is kinda cookie cutter, but it's what sells. Blame the general public for that, not someone who is making an honest living, and worked their ass off to make the money they did.

This is a pretty good example of what's wrong with America. We criticize those who do every thing right, but people give Britney Spears a free pass, even though she was a coked out crack head for a while. People also worship people like Paris Hilton, and shows like 16 and pregnant and Teen Mom, making it look awesome to have children in high school, and then struggle to take care of them...fucking great tv indeed. Watch stupid white trash run around and argue with their ex infront of their child, using profanities, and violence toward their "baby daddy". Which is also a term that annoys the piss out of me.



"on the ice now for buffalo, looking for the pass, and gets it, afinogenov, couldnt get the shot away, now HE DOES, HE SCORES!!!! HOLY MACKEREL ROLE THE HIGH LIGHT FILM, MAXIM AFINOGENOV, WHAT A MOVE!!!!.... thats not fair... that was unbelievable"
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:49 pm 
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Don't start a Band then.

CriminallyVu1gar wrote:
No need for violence, just tell her she's got a game misconduct and show her the door.

Rud wrote:
As I said in the GDT, the call on Rivet was horseshit. The Bruins player was holding onto Rivet's stick like it was the last fucking raft on the Titanic.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:39 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
Please explain to me how you can write songs that are nothing more than a 16 year old girl's diary and win songwriting awards.

She's smoking hot, yet writes about being the ugly duckling and having no friends. Really? I'm pretty sure that looking like that she had friends.

If she wasn't attractive and her parents didn't have the money they had, she wouldn't be anything. You're telling me that an 11 year old girl knows enough about the music business to make a demo tape and go asking around Nashville for a record contract? Or is it much more likely that her parents wanted to exploit her musical talent and did that. Did she ask to move to Nashville at 14, or did her parents want to do it because they saw dollar signs?

I'm not disputing her musical talent. All I'm saying is that she's not making the music SHE wants to make. She's making the music her parents pushed her into making, and what the record company knows will sell.

THAT is a manufactured artist to me.

She is crazy. She was a stalker before she became famous, and just because you're smoking hot doesn't mean you'll be popular. Like I said, she's nuts, and that's why she wasn't popular.

EDIT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ the Justin Bierber thing

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:48 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:34 pm 
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I aint reading any of that, all I know is that I would like to insert my penis in her vagina repeatedly. That by default, makes her awesome.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:46 pm 
Garbage Man

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I do not see why people are dissing Taylor Swift. She is a talented musician who lets her music speak and keeps her private life closed. Nearing age 21 in a few weeks, she has established herself well. In a few years, we will have true musicians including her, like Stevie Nicks back in the day.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:00 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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im not gonna hate on her music, or her personally, but i will say this. every single time she wins an award, she phones in the "OMG! I CANT BELIEVE I WON! WHAT???" thing, and lets face it, shes a terrible actress when she does it. she wants to be humble, and grounded. i just think shes faking it. ... -supercut/


PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:27 pm 
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Nice accuracy. Should have aimed for Bieber's nuts. That's a hard target to hit.

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