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 Post subject: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:24 am 
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Especially for those close to NYC, 9/11 will forever hover daily in our psyche.

For me, it's important to relive the sadness, the terror, and the anger, in honor of the poor souls lost that day, the loved ones that miss them, and those even now that suffer with illnesses resulting from their efforts to aid others.

It will not be a "day of service" for me today. I do that on other days of the year. Today is simply to remember.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:32 am 
Star Sniper

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I will never forget. I will forever remember.

End The Curse
 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:09 am 
Star Sniper
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With 8 years to reflect on the 9/11, it seems to me that the jihadists accomplished nothing in their mission of terror against the infidels; in fact, they lost their ass. Nothing tempers rage like avenging the innocent victims who lost their lives, and by and large this has been accomplished. Retribution is the stuff heroes are made of, and seeing that we haven't had another major islamist attack on US soil since 9/11 shows that, in the end, we have been triumphant while the jihadists have tasted big, fat epic fail.

Oh lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, 'cause I get better looking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh lord, it's hard to be humble, but I'm doin' the best that I can.

Displaced Fan
 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:32 am 
Hard to believe it's been 8 years. That morning I woke up and got ready for work like any other and on my way to my girlfriends room (my wife now) someone told me the news and that's when I looked down and realized that the camouflage uniform I was wearing was taking on a whole new meaning. I was in charge of the bases fallout shelter, getting it prepped and supplied with water, food, medical supplies, chem gear, masks etc. Our team sat on stand by in that bunker after it was stocked waiting and watching the television. What an experience.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:00 am 
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I was in Spanish class when my teacher, Mr. Kash, was called out of the room. He came back 10 mins later and they announced over the speakers that 2 planes had hit the WTC. In every class but 1 we were watching the news. Even my gym teacher said we should be watching an event in history that will change our lives forever. When the towers fell I was in American History class, not watching history but studying it. Pretty much everything that happened that day I remember except for what we were being taught in American History.

In memoriam of all those who lost their lives in 9/11, as well as the countless victims throughout the world who have lost their lives in similarly senseless acts of hatred and fear may you rest in peace.

All the things we wanted each other to be we'll never be.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:06 am 
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I was in 8th grade when this happened.

All of my classes were cancelled. The school moved us to the auditorium to watch CNN on the big screen, and parents were called to come pick us up.

What a horrible way to lose your life. What a horrible way for a family to lose their fathers/mothers.


fly as hale
 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:56 am 
Mrs. Miller
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I don't think anyone will ever be able to forget what happened on 9/11/01. As I've gotten older over the past 8 years, every now and then I still reflect back to what happen and I've gained more knowledge and a better understanding on what happened that day and it always leaves an impression on me.

It was a surreal day for everyone and sometimes I'm still in shock over what happened. It's also a little personal with me because my dad was at the WTC just a day before the attack doing a commercial shoot...I remember him watching the attacks on TV in complete shock since he was there less than 24 hours before the attacks.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:03 pm 
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Since I'm on the west coast, it started at 6am for me...My best friend called and woke me up and I didn't believe him but he forced me to get up and turn on the TV.
People started calling me like crazy when the Pentagon got hit because my Dad (a DoD contractor) had an office there at the time. Luckily he was home that day.
I spent the entire day glued to the TV and around 7Pm PST I went and got a tattoo. Not a tattoo about 9/11, one I had already planned...I just wanted to get it done that day.

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:04 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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I was sitting at work, doing tech support for Adelphia at the time. We started to get wind of what was happening, and ,most of us went downstairs to the cable TV center since, surprisingly enough, they had TVs.

Seeing a single tower burning was bad enough. Watching that second plane come in, and instantly knowing that this was no accident, that it was intentional, was a feeling I never want to experience again, and something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy.

After heading back upstairs because some prick supervisor had a power hard on, we all sat there. Almost no calls came in; most normal people realized that whining about slow internet kind of took a back burner to what was happening. Some people did though. After one guy called bitching about being slow, I called him a fucking idiot, and somehow had to remind him that THE ENTIRE WORLD was trying to get there to see what was going on.

That was enough for me. I told my prick supervisor that I was going home. Of course, being the whore that she was, she tried to have me fired. I'll never forget the day I came back to work, and the center director suspended her for two weeks without pay for trying to do that. She quit not long after, and last I knew had 4 kids with 3 guys and gained 60 pounds. As the kids say, I LOLed.

As I was still active in the volunteer fire service at the time, and working as a paid EMT,I,like many others, offered ourselves up to help. While I was not chosen to go, It was the final straw as to why I left. It disgusted me then, and still does now, how many people wanted to go for personal gain and accolades. Too many people who just wanted to help were told no so others could grandstand. Disgusting. A group of us said fuck it and went ourselves. We could only get close since Manhattan was (understandably) locked down. If you weren't in an officially requested group, you didn't get in. We sat in Jersey, just starting across the river, watching the smoke. Just that sight still haunts me to this day.

My hatred for those that perpetrated this is still strong. So is my hatred for those that politicized this for their own gain, and continue to do so.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:12 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
Watching that second plane come in, and instantly knowing that this was no accident, that it was intentional, was a feeling I never want to experience again, and something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy.

Reading this brought back that feeling. I remember seeing that second plane hit the tower, and wanting so badly to help... to take out whoever was doing this to us. I was ready to give up my life.

I long for the day we get ahold of Bin Laden... but even if we don't, that fucker will burn in hell... or be reincarnated into a toilet bowl... depending on what your beliefs are.

Either way, I'm a big believer in Karma, and he'll get what's coming to him... if he isn't already dead.


 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:48 pm 
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I was in tenth grade, and I'm gonna go ahead and say I was in English with Mrs. Cope. I think. A student came tearing into the room and we all hurried down to Crowe Commons, this theater-in-the-round kind of thing with 8 TV's surrounding it. Right as I looked at a TV, I saw the second plane hit. I didn't know it was the second plane, because I hadn't seen the first strike. When they showed replay of the first strike, it hit everyone like a wave that two planes crashing into the Towers like that was no accident whatsoever.

I don't think anyone said a word besides "Holy shit" and "Oh my god" for about ten minutes.


 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:51 pm 
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I was at work, high on a pile of dirt, loading trucks with an excavator when the radio quickly went to CNN news feed. The events unfolded dramatically over the course of the day. The planes hitting the towers reminded me of the terror that soldiers face every day in the horrors of war...terror experienced so that anyone in this country has the freedom to move around unhindered and untouched. Yet those people in the towers were much like the people of Great Britain as the V-2s were exploding their lives, like the Germans as the Allies destroyed Berlin, searched for an end to WW2, like the people of Japan as the first atomic bombs melted their lives in a mushroom inferno, or as the people of Baghdad and Afghanistan would experience soon. Innocent humans being killed and maimed in an inhuman attempt to prove a pointless human concept. Aggression at its pinnacle. Senseless cowardliness. Yet the event did seem to unite the world, to bring nations together, and for people to put aside for a moment, their prejudices and social differences, in that terrorist acts can attack anywhere, by anyone, at anytime. The world had become one.... against them. It was a sullen and surreal tragedy, one which should never be forgotten, one which has changed the world forever, and has changed each one of us who lived though it. God Bless all those who have died, and those who have lost friends and family, because of 9/11..........

I try to think, but nuttin happens.......Curley Howard
There is no past as it exists merely as a slippery bond tying the memories of the past to the dreams of the future.............Me
If we started life as an old person and lived until we were young, we would eventually finish off fucked as an orgasm.......George Carlin

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:37 pm 
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I was in 10th grade. My teacher in Social Studies got a call from a friend and he immediately turned on the TV. 3 minutes later the 2nd plane hit, and you just knew at the time based on everyones reactions that it was no accident. You could hear a feather hit the ground at that point. I don't remember much of what they did with the kids, I was in too much of a confusion thinking about it all!


Sneaky E
 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:55 pm 
Garbage Man
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9/11 was a really hard day for my family, as it was for many Americans. My family and I still lived on Long Island at the time, and it was really scary trying to figure out what was going on, were there going to be any further attacks, and if so, could we even get off the island? My dad has a ton of family in NYC too, and had a cousin in the tower who lost his life that day.

I just remember being home sick from school , and my mom woke me up from a nyquil induced slumber way early to watch the tv. Even being 12 at the time, the significance of the event wasn't lost on me, and it still makes me sick to think about watching that second plane when it was live, and then with it being played every 3 minutes on every news station possible.

9/11 for me, was a big wakeup call for the type of evil in the world, and the aftermath that evil can leave behind. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families and military who are still picking up the pieces from 8 years ago.

 Post subject: Re: Remembering 9/11
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:21 am 
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It's certainly something I'll never forget. I was only in 5th grade at the time - but I remember it as clearly as if it were yesterday. There's only been two times in my life where I've felt the utter shock and disbelief that I felt on that day - one was that day, the other was the Columbia disaster. No other national events have actually triggered an emotional response within me, but those two did.

I was in school, word got out after the second plane hit but before any tower fell - watched both towers fall. It was almost too hard to believe.

I don't even care to watch the shows on it too much, as I'd rather not have to relive that day again. As much as it will eventually slip into the history books, it's something that will always seem as real as yesterday.

I still can't believe it's been 8 years.

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