The Welcome/Introductions Thread
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Author:  CriminallyVu1gar [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  The Welcome/Introductions Thread

With this site starting to generate some traffic that wasn't part of the original WSOD clique, I thought it would be a good idea to have a welcome thread for new members to introduce themselves, or old members to tell more about themselves.

I'll start:

I'm Alex, but most on here still call me CV. :P
I live in Syracuse at the moment at home, but it's common knowledge I'm trying to find a job in and relocate to Buffalo where I was originally born.
I currently work as a Water/Wastewater Engineer.

Author:  HelloMyKneeGrows [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

Well, Im Erik, kinda new here. I posted briefly at the old forums, and like it here much better than there and the other place I was a regular at ( I have since left there as most of the good posters left and intelligence level there about the sabres and the sport in general plummeted, and the mods continuously deleted posts and screamed at people for calling out ridiculous and generally just plain false statements. This place is a breath of fresh air compared to it.

Author:  H0CKEYisL0VEx24 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

Most people call me Laura, but you special ones around here call me HiL.
Right now, I should probably be studying for tests and quizzes tomorrow, but instead I am googling Michael Jackson lyrics and Facebook-stalking.
That should give you a pretty good idea of what I'm all about.

Also, Alex thinks I'm really tall! I suppose so, but I only wear pants with an average length. I don't even have to wear "tall" pants.

Author:  Rud [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

My name's Nick, but Phil is the only person here who has ever called me that.
I live in Hamburg right now, but I've lived anywhere from Connecticut to Hawaii in my seventeen years.
Probably going to UB next year and I completely love music.

Author:  SABRESAllTheWay [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

For those that are new.

My name is Brian and I grew up in Rochester. I now go to graduate school down in Virginia, and am in the field of computational sciences and informatics with a concentration in space sciences and astrophysics. I'm considered a nerd for my computer side AND my physics side, so since thats a double negative that makes me a normal person... I think....

Author:  mechaphil [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

Author:  SABRESAllTheWay [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

mechaphil wrote:
I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

If you ever meet him at the bars... You are in for a fun night!

Author:  mechaphil [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

SABRESAllTheWay wrote:
mechaphil wrote:
I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

If you ever meet him at the bars... You are in for a fun night!


Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

mechaphil wrote:
I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

What was that about a better beard?

I'm Stu and what Phil said is not true

Author:  mechaphil [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

Stuuuuuuu wrote:
mechaphil wrote:
I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

What was that about a better beard?

I'm Stu and what Phil said is not true


Author:  Skyline_BNR34 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Aaron, most call me Sky or Skyline since we have a few Aaron's here.

I live in North Carolina but was Born in Bradford PA. I don't intend to move back up North ever again, and I want to go to NC State for Mechanical Engineering.

Author:  Hammygoodness [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Ham (Cory, IRL). And no, that avatar is not a picture of me. I'm out in the bustling metropolis of Ilion, NY. I'm also a nerd. Only I won't try to explain it away.


Author:  Squanto [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Tom. I'm old compared to a bunch of you folks. (32) I'm a network administrator for an ISP, which means I'm the guy that helps keep the porn flowing for my customers.

My beard growing abilities are suspect, my ability to pound wings and beer are not. (Jay and Phil can attest to this boast.)

I've been in WNY just about all my life, except for an 18 month stint outside Roanoke when I was very young. Currently live in Niagara Falls, where I bought Beth's dad's house completely randomly.

Although there are a group of folks here that think I'm a completely prick, I'm really not that bad a guy. Allegedly.

Author:  backthatSASSup [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Beth and I'm originally from Niagara Falls, currently residing on the University at Buffalo campus.

Tom bought my dad's house totally randomly. He made the connection from seeing my pictures on the wall. Not that that sounds creepy or anything. :lol: :P

I live with motzie12ak and peteythedancingsabre, both of whom I met on the WSOD back in the day.

Author:  CriminallyVu1gar [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

H0CKEYisL0VEx24 wrote:
Most people call me Laura, but you special ones around here call me HiL.
Right now, I should probably be studying for tests and quizzes tomorrow, but instead I am googling Michael Jackson lyrics and Facebook-stalking.
That should give you a pretty good idea of what I'm all about.

Also, Alex thinks I'm really tall! I suppose so, but I only wear pants with an average length. I don't even have to wear "tall" pants.

You're HiLarious.


Author:  ironyisadeadscene [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

im mike. im from the great state of michigan, home to the most illustrious sports program ever, the university of michigan wolverines football program. umm... other then that, all we have going for us are our lake shore beaches, and a huge football stadium thats used 8 times a year.

im from flint, michigan, birthplace of crosschecks best friend michael moore. i grew up in a small town east of flint called lapeer, rather, farmers creek, in the home of a prolific, but unheard of inventor named lloyd copeman. i like name dropping him, because i think its kind of cool.
he invented rubber icecube trays, filters for cigarettes, the electric stove, and the toaster.

i enjoyed, and still do, playing sports off all kind, but when it comes to playing, nothing beats a good ole game of backyard baseball. i also enjoyed, and still do, playing kids games, such as hide and seek (IN THE DARK!) and capture the flag. in many ways, im just a grown up child, and having the same friends i did when i was 7, they are the same as well.

i went to college in flint, michigan, then packed up to study broads and drinking in kalamazoo, michigan. i then moved to grand rapids, to work for the grand rapids griffins, then back home when the economy got bad and i couldnt support myself, and my hours got axed. i am currently unemployed, though ive tried hard to gain employment, and am 3 credits shy of a business degree.

i also have a beard.

Author:  PuckSniperPensel [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

mechaphil wrote:
SABRESAllTheWay wrote:
mechaphil wrote:
I'm Phil. Everyone calls me Phil. I might as well be The Phil. I grow a better beard than you and listen to better metal than you. Nah, I'm not a hipster, but for real I grow an amazing beard. I post a lot.

If you ever meet him at the bars... You are in for a fun night!


like.jpg [ 18.77 KiB | Viewed 26469 times ]

My name is Adam, and you could throw a watermelon at my head and break my neck, and I'd be thankful it wasn't an anvil.

That's just the kind of person I am.

Also, I love music, fast cars, boating, Lake George, and the Buffalo Sabres.

Author:  ironyisadeadscene [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

i think mine sounds like a personal dating ad.

Author:  Sc's#1SabresFan [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

I'm Andrew. Born in NJ, now reside in Myrtle Beach SC. I go to Raleigh for games every year, i've met skyline at one haha. Currently just working at Sears figuring out what i wanna do with myself!

Author:  gr8daygo [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Welcome/Introductions Thread

Hey guys... Im Sam... I guess Im part of the old guard (32 i think), but newer here... born and raised through out the buffalo but moved to pittsburgh about 5 years ago... just a normal guy who still likes his sabres, bills and bandits... and of course fast cars, off-road toys, music, and guns...

and and i just learned how to do this in the last game day thread...

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