AudSabres wrote:
While I think it is wicked awesome to stay in tune with days gone by, both Hasek and the French Connection are of days gone by. I don't see this as ownership living in the past, but yet, I also wouldn't consider Dom as being living in the present. I mean, if we're going to debate great Sabres, why not build a statue of Myers? Or Rayzor? It's easy to say we live in the past by honoring the greatest line in team history, but the same could be said of any more recent player that doesn't currently play that made their mark on the Buffalo sport scene. By that thought process, let's erect a life like statue of Drury... Not going to happen any time soon, IMO.
This could go back and forth for days on end. Was Perreault the best Sabre player of his time? Likely. Was Dom the best of his? Hell yeah. Have I been consuming beverages of the non sober type while writing this post? Damn Skippy. I guess what I'm trying to drive home is that it is wicked awesome to honor a team's past, while focusing on the current and future. Which I think T-Pegs has done a kick ass job of.
Titty Sprinkles.
Let's be honest here, Drury and Myers compared to the French Connection. Really?