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 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:01 pm 
Sober enough to run a server
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PuckSniperPensel wrote:
a complete convention takeover for Paul is definitely possible.

No's not.

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:12 pm 
PP Quarterback

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yeah man, i like most of Ron Paul and he's the candidate i agree with most, but stop sniffing rubber cement. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR RON PAUL TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

cue Jeremy - "he can't win because of attitudes like yours. you refuse to support him and pick the lesser of two evils. you are responsible for the dominance of the two party system." blah blah blah.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:19 pm 
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PatGreen wrote:
yeah man, i like most of Ron Paul and he's the candidate i agree with most, but stop sniffing rubber cement. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR RON PAUL TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

cue Jeremy - "he can't win because of attitudes like yours. you refuse to support him and pick the lesser of two evils. you are responsible for the dominance of the two party system." blah blah blah.

i honestly think it is possible for him to win the general election, but not a shot in hell at the primary

PSA: I am an overly sarcastic person. If you take me at my word, then i will most likely anger and offend you.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:55 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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PatGreen wrote:
yeah man, i like most of Ron Paul and he's the candidate i agree with most, but stop sniffing rubber cement. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR RON PAUL TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

cue Jeremy - "he can't win because of attitudes like yours. you refuse to support him and pick the lesser of two evils. you are responsible for the dominance of the two party system." blah blah blah.

lol, asshole. I agree with you that it's not possible. It doesn't mean we can't make noise and point out the faults.

ksquier89 wrote:
Holy fucking fuck...Boyes couldn't suck a dick if it landed in his mouth.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:40 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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Ron Paul can't win because of, you know, math and stuff.

I'm pretty sure even the most ardent republican won't try to say that 27 = 1144.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:48 pm 
Sober enough to run a server
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yeah...right now Romney has 560 delegates.
If you give him only the most obvious wins of New York, California, New Jersey, Connecticut. Rhode Island and Delaware...he's at 941. ... count.html

That leave 18 states for him to pick up the remaining 203 to hit 1,144.

At this point I'd say anyone dreaming of a brokered convention is doing just that, dreaming.

Also, I think after today, RNC rules say states can change from proportional to winner-take-all. Either they do or they're allowed to...not sure which. Either way that's bad news for anyone not named Mitt.

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:28 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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Looks like 4 more years of obama.

ksquier89 wrote:
Holy fucking fuck...Boyes couldn't suck a dick if it landed in his mouth.

Displaced Fan
 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:48 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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It's sad that money makes it so we will never have the most qualified person in office. Ever.


 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:04 pm 
Power Forward
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Displaced Fan wrote:
It's sad that money makes it so we will never have the most qualified person in office. Ever.

money is the name of the game now unfortunately. But.ive heard two different rumors that Ron Paul would drop out and endorse Romney if nothing was decided by June. But Ron Paul would want a cabinet seat.


 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:02 pm 
Sober enough to run a server
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Displaced Fan wrote:
It's sad that money makes it so we will never have the most qualified person in office. Ever.

egh...any candidate for one of the major parties will be guaranteed to have a billion dollar campaign going forward. That path was laid out by Obama in 08.

Money isn't what keeps good people out of office, it's the brutal blood sport that gets played with candidates characters and families that does that.

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:16 pm 
PP Quarterback

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i don't complain about class warfare...but let's not pretend social classes don't exclude people from becoming anything higher than a district representative...typically only at the state level, too.

i'm a smart guy who sees both sides of issues and could do well in political office (especially because i'm a guy who is willing to be on call at almost all times- proof is in the pudding- read: my job) but it wouldn't really matter what happened or how hard i worked, i wouldn't get anywhere important.

 Post subject: Re: GOP Running Mates
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:27 pm 
Franchise Defenseman
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If they'd be willing to nominate an independent, and pay for all my expenses and give me a salary for the campaign, I'd be willing to throw my hat in the ring.

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