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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:52 pm 
Franchise Defenseman
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Crosscheck wrote:
Yhoshi wrote:
btw: 10 million US-citizen don't have enough to eat. and over 35 million US-citizens have huge troubles getting enough food to eat.

Yoshi...have you seen the average American?
You're trying to tell me 10% of our entire population is undernourished?

I call BS without having to look up any stats at all.

Furthermore, there are state and federal programs available to all who pursue them. Of course there are outliers, weird circumstances and people who won't take help for various reasons (such as mental illness and drug addiction which makes up for a lot of our homeless population), but all countries have those.

Feast your eyes on the American needy ... thout.html

I would think she could just use her giant flat screen TV and Xbox to heat her home rather than seek public assistance.

I haven't known that, too. but it's a fact. you don't have to believe it. ignore it. I don't care.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:10 pm 
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* 41% of households get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) aid, up from 35% in 2005;
* 54% of households with children aged up to three get Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) help, compared to 51% in 2005; and
* 62% of households with school-age children participate in federal school lunch programs, unchanged from 2005; 54% participate in school breakfast programs, up from 51% in 2005; 14% participate in the summer food program.

"food insecure" or hungry, our government doesn't make it a practice for people to starve.
Which was what I said previously.

Additionally, I'm guessing most places don't have this issue with their poor population. ... connection

Hold my beer and watch this...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:13 am 
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Sabresfansince1980 wrote:
PSP, Germany can be used as an example against your argument as well. Europe turned a blind eye toward Hitler's political takeover and military build-up until it was almost too late. If not for FDR taking huge Bush/Cheney allegation type manuevers with our constitution at the time, England never would've had the equipment or weapons to defend itself. FDR skirted the constitution on his own accord, after private conversations with Churchill, by declaring a multitude of military equipment/supplies as surplus. It was then sold to private contractors that in turn sold it to England. Otherwise the US was forbidden to assist another country's war effort while not at war ourselves.

Despite FDR's clear liberties against the constitution, Germany still would've taken over Europe if not for Hitler's mad impatience. Just another year or two and Germany would've had the A-bomb over. Leader nations took a major lesson from WWII - taking down a regional/world threat is best done pre-emptively. Only nuclear weapon capable nations are exempt from this strategy.

Until crazy whack-jobs stop brutalizing their way into the leadership of nations and threatening their neighbors or the world, there will be a cold, hard, necessary reality of war, fall-out, clean up, repeat step one. This will always be so, and the details of which nation and what economic system they use is simply beside the point.

You just cannot be seriously comparing the Lend Lease Act to England with the 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom, can you?

Let us really dig in to that for a moment.
FDR signed into law on 11 March 1941, and was a part of the "An Act Further to Promote the Defense of the United States".
And rightfully so. Every individual with common sense knew the stakes that were being played for, not only in Europe, but across the globe.

Now, let's look at Saddam's Iraq. There was no known immenent threat to any surrounding nation. His military had been nuetered and his ability to wage war completely shut down due to 12 years of U.S. troop presence in Kuwait and the "No Fly Zones". Saddam was only a threat to his own people internally and nothing else.
Colin Powell, in multiple interviews since the invasion and subsequent lack of any WMD's in Iraq has stated that he felt Wolfowits, Cheney and there henchmen fed him straight out untrue material to present to the U.N.
That's not anything like World War 2, where the threat was tangible.

No, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an aggressive act by the United States of America with no justification what so ever. We should be ashamed of ourselves for standing idly by without saying a word to our representatives and allowing it to happen without questioning it.
Supporting the troops is always a given, and should be, we had no choice but to be there.

But to allow the leadership of this nation to blindly lead us into a war of aggression (because that is exactly what the 2003 Invasion of Iraq was) is simply unexceptable. If individuals have not written or called their Federal representatives (both Senate and House) and demanded those responsible be held accountable, then we get what we deserve in our leadership as far as I'm concerned.
People tend to laugh that last statement I just made off, but stop and think about it for a moment, it's your responsibility as a citizen of this nation to do just that, if "we the people" are to be considered the government, then it can be no other way. "We the People" are at fault for what has transpired, we have failed to hold our nation and its leadership to the highest standards. This is the truth, and it cannot be disputed. No arguement brought forth has any legs to stand on, it's just chatter for chatter's sake at that time.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:25 am 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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Yeah, I gotta go with slesh here.

Aiding an ally from a clear and well defined threat is one thing. Making up reasons to invade someone is completely different.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:35 pm 
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Only thing I'm going to take issue with in slesh's last post is that we stood "idly by without saying a word to our representatives". Every year here in Portland there is a protest on the anniversary o the invasion of Iraq in 2003. And it happens in many other cities as well. Many have indeed stood idly by, but many have not. We are responsible for this, but so is the media for swallowing the Bush adminstration's lies hook, line, and sinker. And truly, unless the media starts doing its job, we're very much in danger of the same thing happening again. The mainstream media has shown it will do whatever the government wants of it because the media is controlled by the same corporate concerns that control the government.

Seek out and follow alternative media folks, it's the only way to be truly informed. You can listen to the real news every day on Democracy Now! for a start.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:20 pm 
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I'm not trying to directly compare what FDR did with Bush/Cheney or say that either's actions were better/worse. No matter how right FDR was in retrospect, he blatently manuevered around the constitution to accomplish what would never have happened under public or political scrutiny - hence the mild comparison. That's not the point of my post though, so please don't get off-track about something I have no interest in debating.

What mattered in my post is that Hitler was allowed to proliferate due to regional/world pacifism. War is the same old cyclical, vain effort because every generation presents the same old cyclical, vain, brutal dictator bent on regional/world domination. Until those people go away war is a necessary evil.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:50 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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I think that maneuvering around to Constitution to aid an ally combat a direct and legitimate threat is completely different than maneuvering around the Constitution to initiate an unnecessary war against a non-existant threat.

Maybe that's just me.

I don't really agree with you that Hitler was 'allowed' to come to power because of worldwide pacifism. Why should the US have gotten involved because Germany was fighting over territories taken from them after WW 1? Regional appeasement was part of the problems that lead to the second war, but to say it was the fault of worldwide policy doesn't make sense.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:42 pm 
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First part - I'm not arguing that at all, just saying that in both examples the president skirted the constitution toward war.

Second part - ok not world wide, but multiple nations in Europe and west Asia turned a blind eye, only giving up, acting too late, or acting when it was very very close to being too late. I wasn't trying to imply that the US should've gotten involved before they did, but other nations clearly put their heads in the sand for a decade or more after the warning signs were evident.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:43 am 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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I'm not sure that you can totally blame some of those countries for trying to do whatever it took to avoid war. World War I really devastated the core of the European continent. While appeasement might not have been the best choice, I can understand why some nations didn't want to chance another major conflict.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:01 pm 
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Stuuuuuuu wrote:
Only thing I'm going to take issue with in slesh's last post is that we stood "idly by without saying a word to our representatives". Every year here in Portland there is a protest on the anniversary o the invasion of Iraq in 2003. And it happens in many other cities as well. Many have indeed stood idly by, but many have not. We are responsible for this, but so is the media for swallowing the Bush adminstration's lies hook, line, and sinker. And truly, unless the media starts doing its job, we're very much in danger of the same thing happening again. The mainstream media has shown it will do whatever the government wants of it because the media is controlled by the same corporate concerns that control the government.

Seek out and follow alternative media folks, it's the only way to be truly informed. You can listen to the real news every day on Democracy Now! for a start.

I do Stuuuuuu, I do.

I cannot blame the media in though, it is every citizens responsibility to be involved, less we have leadership like we've had in the 20th century and the beginning of this one.
It is truly sad our once great nation has come to this, infighting and bickering have blinded individuals in the "2 party" camps. Those of us that are independents normally long for the greatness of our nation to shine forth, and not in one way or another, but in the particular way of standing on the moral high ground with that truism holding us in check; "Always to what is right and just".
We haven't lived by that code or creed in quite a long time now.

Lord Stanley's Cup is what its all about.
Mr. Pegula, your destiny awaits you sir.

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