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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:13 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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To the contemporary conservative, progressive ideology is often murky and incomprehensible. It is very difficult for some on the right to understand the apparently illogical and unrealistic machinations of the radical leftist mindset. Their political objectives, if achieved, inevitably lead to further demands for concessions toward an ever-greater ideological purity.

Something even darker and more malevolent is happening, however. The various radical leftist factions and special interest groups are rapidly coalescing into a global movement.

A comprehensive and enlightening treatise on this topic was recently published in Orbis, the Foreign Policy Research Institute's journal of world affairs, written by University of Buffalo professor Ernest Sternberg. The article is titled, "Purifying the World: What the New Radical Ideology Stands For". It will open your eyes and scare you to death.

In Steinberg's analysis, from the historical ashes of failed fascist and communist regimes a new totalitarian ideology is emerging:

Though a mouthful, world purificationism would do well in expressing what the movement wants. It wants to achieve a grand historical vision: the anticipated defeat of imperial capitalist power in favor of a global network of beneficent culture-communities, which will empower themselves through grassroots participatory democracy, and maintain consistency across movements through the rectifying power of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), thereby bringing into being a new era of global social justice and sustainable development, in which the diverse communities can harmoniously share an earth that has been saved from destruction and remade pristine.

The sworn enemy of the purifiers is simply referred to as "Empire" (preceding it with "the Evil" is not necessary, apparently). Empire's evil manifestations are capitalism and Zionism. The geographical focus of purificationism's hatred is the United States and Israel.

Steinberg compares the new movement to previous anti-capitalist and anti-Zionist movements:

Unmentionable for decades in progressive scholarly company, the similarity between totalitarianisms has once again received academic attention, in part because of interest in comparing Soviet, Maoist, Khmer, and Nazi genocides. The new work has renewed appreciation that fascism and communism did not just have similar regimes. They also shared parallel ideologies. [...]

Convinced that they have this unique mission, they must motivate hatred of opponents. They carry out or at least legitimize ruthless violence. And they assert the privilege to shape life's purpose and meaning for millions.

The purificationist dream is a world without borders, governed by a global network of NGO's. Almost all current activist organizations containing the words "green", "justice", "peace", or "solidarity" would find a position in the ruling structure. These NGO's would gravitate toward forming a totalitarian regime since, as Steinberg points out, they are "unaccountable to an electorate and escape political checks and balances..."

Even more disturbing is the increasing coalition between progressivism and radical Islam. Steinberg's piece includes a quote from George Galloway, a progressive British parliamentarian, when asked if Muslims and progressives could unite in a common cause:

Not only do I think it's possible but I think it is vitally necessary and I think it is happening already. It is possible because the progressive movement around the world and the Muslims have the same enemies... They have the same interest in opposing savage capitalist globalization which is intent upon homogenizing the entire world turning us basically into factory chickens which can be forced fed the American diet of everything from food to Coca-Cola to movies and TV culture... So on the very grave
big issues of the day -- issues of war, occupation, justice, opposition to globalization -- the Muslims and the progressives are on the same side.

To me, this sounds like a coalition between factory chickens and poultry butchers. But it exemplifies the unreality in the strategic thinking of progressives. They visualize a world of communities living in perfect harmony with nature and each other, with minimal industrial activity, no profit motive, and no greed. Everyone is tolerant of others' beliefs (unless they are capitalists or conservatives). How they intend to deal with the violent intolerance of Islam toward other religions and cultures is not considered.

It is imperative to thoroughly understand this evolving ideological movement in order to effectively resist it. The socialist ideology is so pervasive that it will probably never be completely defeated. Time after time, it has been seemingly destroyed and discredited, only to rise again in a new incarnation. Its adherents play by no rules (other than Alinsky's), and their ends justify any means required.

One issue that Steinberg does not address is the pervasive, unrelenting propaganda machine that constitutes the progressive mainstream media. As long as free-thinking individuals are misled and kept ignorant of the purificationist agenda, the infiltration of our institutions and the destruction of our freedoms and values will continue.

We who believe in capitalism, the US Constitution, and individual liberty must do everything possible to educate others and disrupt this movement. Otherwise, the sweet dreams of the purifiers will inevitably result in an unending totalitarian nightmare of global proportions.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:28 am 
Franchise Defenseman
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hhhuuummm... sounds shockingly familiar....

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:03 am 
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...but in the end, some animals will still be more equal than others...

Hold my beer and watch this...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:57 am 
Franchise Defenseman
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Crosscheck wrote:
...but in the end, some animals will still be more equal than others...

in the end its about power... and those "more equal" (Soros) will have to much of it and thats when we get in trouble... when we get away from what this country was founded on ... we are simply not on a good path... to much government involvement... to much fix by spending mentality ... and not enough common sense by those in power ... why hasn't the jones act been suspended, so foreign built and crewed ships can help us in the golf? Why is the administration halting sand berms being built to protect the shore? Why is the administration looking for another $23 billion being approved for state aid, when Buffalo can't account for over $400 million it received and there obviously being an underling problem that throwing money at it simply wont fix. How much money did they throw at it last year? And now you want more? How about you fix the underling issues first...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:00 am 
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Here's the paper that article is citing

Very interesting read about the evolution of far left ideology.

Dismayed left-leaning author Nick Cohen has a similar reaction. ‘‘For all the atrocities and follies committed in its name,’’ he writes, ‘‘the Left possessed this virtue: it would stand firm against fascism.’’2 But after the failure of socialism and revelations of communism’s mass crimes, the more alienated members of the Left lost political bearings, without losing their antagonism to the capitalist West. All the more so since the Iraq war of the early 2000s, the Left underwent what Cohen calls a ‘‘dark liberation.’’ Leading members were now willing to deny documented genocide against the Bosnians, avert their faces from genocide in Sudan, spread the theories of Jewish-Zionist world conspiracy, ignore massive human rights abuses in the Third World, and excuse even the most brutal theocratic-fascist regime, as long as it opposed the United States and the capitalist status quo. The new Left proved incapable of recognizing any crime that could not be blamed on the capitalist West.

Hold my beer and watch this...

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